What is DevOps and DevOps Engineering?

What is DevOps and DevOps Engineering?

An emerging field recently in technology is DevOps and DevOps Engineering. The word "Engineer" is familiar in today's society but what is DevOps? Why is the word DevOps associated with Engineer as well? This post will be a short explanation to clarify what DevOps is and the purpose why DevOps Engineers were created.

The word DevOps is short for two words: Development and Operations. Ideally, two different teams, one proficient in developing applications and the other team in operating and deploying the application securely, work together to create applications. The development team first codes, builds and tests the application many times. Then, the operations team deploys the application securely onto the internet. After publishing the application, the operations team also makes sure the application runs quickly, is functional, and releases further updates to improve the application. Development and operation teams have begun to work together in this manner more recently in the past years and being involved in this field of work is a “DevOps Engineer”.