Writing a Bash Script to Change the Brightness

Writing a Bash Script to Change the Brightness


This article will explain how to write a bash script that changes the computer's brightness in Linux. This demonstration uses Ubuntu and the package "brightnessctl" was downloaded and used in this script. It is beneficial to write a script to change the brightness to accurately change it to any number from the brightness scale.


  • Computer

  • Linux Operating System

  • Terminal

    • Packages that are needed to be downloaded: brightnessctl


  • In the terminal, download brightnessctl by using the command below:
sudo apt install brightnessctl

How "brightnessctl" Works in the Terminal

After downloading the package, running the command "brightnessctl -l" shows a list of the computer's devices that are labeled in single quotes or '' to change the brightness of that component. The 'intel_backlight' is changing the brightness of the computer screen.

To use the "brightnessctl" command in the terminal, it follows this order:

brightnessctl -d "name_of_device" set brightness_number


brightnessctl -d "name_of_device" set brightness_percentage

What the "brightnessctl" Command Means

  • brightnessctl -d: Necessary keyword to initiate the brightness

  • "name_of_device": The name of the device is in single quotes or ''where it can be retrieved after using the command "brightness -l". In this demonstration, 'intel_backlight' is the device whose brightness is being changed.

  • set: A keyword to change the brightness by either a number or a percentage

  • brightness_number or brightness_percentage: The "brightnessctl" scale takes a number from 0 to 19200, where 19200 is the highest number to produce maximum brightness. By giving any number from 0 to 19200, also outputs its percentage equivalent in the terminal. A percentage from 0% to 100% can also be specified instead and its brightness number equivalent is also returned.

If the brightnessctl command does not work, use sudo with it

Setting a Brightness Number

Below shows using the "brightnessctl" command by specifying numbers between 0 to 19200. By specifying a number, it shows its percentage equivalent.

Setting a Brightness Percentage

Below shows using the "brightnessctl" command by specifying percentages and it shows its brightness number equivalent.

Creating a Bash Script that uses "brightnessctl"

  • Write the bash shebang in the first line of the script
  • Since the "brightnessctl" command can take either a number or a percentage to change the brightness, a variable was declared to either take a number or a percentage

read -p "Choose '1' to enter a brightness number or choose '2' a percentage: " brightness_choice
echo "Option chosen: "$brightness_choice
  • An if and else statement block has been added afterward to see if the variable from the read condition was accepted properly. It is looking to see if either 1 or 2 is entered to give a number to change the brightness or a number to change the percentage respectively. If any other number has been inputted, then the script will have to be rerun.

  • The if and elif blocks have more read variables to take another input that would be used in the "brightnessctl" statement to change the brightness

Final Script


read -p "Choose '1' to enter a brightness number or choose '2' a percentage: " brightness_choice
echo "Option chosen: "$brightness_choice

if [ $brightness_choice -eq 1 ] 
        read -p "Enter a number from 0 (minimum brightness) to 19200 (maximum brightness): " brightness_number
        sudo brightnessctl -d "intel_backlight" set $brightness_number
elif [ $brightness_choice -eq 2 ] 
        read -p "Enter a number for the brightness percentage: " brightness_percentage
        sudo brightnessctl -d "intel_backlight" set $brightness_percentage%
        echo "Not a valid option. Try again."

Source Code
